We are grateful for your support. Thank you!

MHC students

© Tani Dugger 2015

This holiday season, as we gather with family and friends to give thanks, we in Advancement would like to thank all those who have invested in Mount Holyoke to support the incredible work happening on campus and abroad. Your investment enables our students to pursue their passions, explore new cultures and ideas, and gain invaluable experience working alongside faculty or in internship opportunities around the world. You help keep Mount Holyoke a warm and beautiful place to connect and grow as a community, and solidify us as an intellectual and cultural hub.

We receive so many wonderful comments from many of you for whom Mount Holyoke remains a meaningful part of your lives. Here are just a few we’d like to share:

“I support Mount Holyoke because I want to pass forward to today’s young women all of the gifts Mount Holyoke bestowed on me as a student: the education, the values, the ways of seeing, the ways of caring,  and the opportunity to develop into an adult woman on a quiet, supportive, and magnificently beautiful campus.” —Ellen Safier Goodman ’64

“My time at MHC was four of the best years of my life—I built relationships with such incredible, supportive faculty members, and found friends who I still talk to almost every day. MHC helped me become a better, more intelligent, and compassionate version of myself. I’ll be forever grateful!” —Divya Chandramouli ’14 

“I treasure my experience at MHC, and want the College to continue to offer quality experiences to other women.” —Gerry Lessey Pas ’69

“I found my voice at Mount Holyoke. I found my strength there. I found the women who will be my forever friends. And I continue to see the value of my time there in almost every aspect of my life. I owe so much to the institution. If I can help even one woman gain access to a place like this, I will feel my gifts have made a difference.” —Laura Draper Tepper ’99

“My daughter, Cam, has had an exceptional experience at MHC and it has changed her life. I truly support the value of a women’s education, especially at an institution that embraces diversity and inclusion.” —Suzanne Vilain Weaver, 2017 parent

“Being a student-athlete at MHC taught me many life skills.  It is where I explored new areas, sharpened my critical thinking and practiced leadership as captain of the basketball team.  Instilled my desire for achievement.” —Mary Jasinski Callahan ’81

“I support MHC because of MHC’s support for me: as a student, MHC provided me opportunities galore to broaden my horizons. As an alum, my MHC community is ever growing and more important to me than ever.” —Miriam Cantor-Stone ’12

“Because it made me the woman I am today, and continues to nurture and support me through the community of alums I have had the great pleasure of experiencing and enjoying.” —Emily Colgan ’05


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