Happy holidays from Mount Holyoke

winter_students_2Festive lights are up around campus and students are finishing up their coursework, eagerly anticipating the chance to connect with families and loved ones over the winter break. In this season of giving and good will, many of us are thinking about the ones with whom we share fond memories and those who made a difference in our lives. Here are a few of the meaningful Mount Holyoke connections you’ve shared with us:

“Ally and Asmaah, you are the sisters I never had and my uncommon partners in crime. Whether we are backpacking in Eastern Europe, plotting a hiking adventure to Peru, or texting about our daily lives, I know that I can always count on you. In true Mount Holyoke fashion, you are both exceptional in every single way. Your love of travel, food, and, yes, driving, is truly unparalleled. Because we met, Ally and Asmaah, I not only know the true meaning of adventure but the true meaning of sisterly love. ” —Marija Tesla ’11

“Mom…because I knew you…I received a greatest gift in Mount Holyoke. First, it was a beautiful brick and ivy dream; an aspiration I had, something powerful to work toward. Then, being there, finding academic success was a miracle. Finally, as a Mount Holyoke alumna my identity has been sealed, as if in a book of life. It is a source of pride that I wear as a badge; and it is a source of connection to you that I cherish. Now and forever. Thank you for the gift of my Mount Holyoke education and identity. I’m pleased to make this gift in your honor.” —Susan Lowenthal Axelrod ’84

“Dear Lynn, your classes were so fun and engaging. Thank you for pushing your students to examine the world around them with new eyes. What I remember most were your many words of encouragement. I am grateful to have found anthropology and harmonized it with my love of medicine. My passion for geriatrics stems from my interest in culture, human rights, and vulnerable populations. Because we met, I learned to approach my patients with a deeper sense of love, compassion, open-mindedness and respect. I learned to be a physician who advocates.” —Dr. Alexandra Barr ’05

“Because of you, I applied to MHC and my life has been forever changed. In addition to making the most precious of friends, I learned to question my opinions, explore new ideas, and take on new challenges. Because you introduced me to Mount Holyoke, I learned how to become comfortable being uncomfortable. I have become a better leader, citizen, friend, partner, and mother. Because of you, I am a better woman and I am so grateful to you. Your former student and fellow alumna, Rachel Maris-Wolf ’98”

Because we met, I learned to trust my instincts, believe in myself, ride the T in Boston, climb Mount Holyoke, visit Atkins for maple sugar candy and cider, slide down a snowy hill sitting on a lunch tray, and enjoy peppermint ice cream with chocolate sauce. Thanks for your laughter and wise advice both in college and all the years since then.” —Adrienne Wenz Caldwell ’84

“Marg! It was some fifteen years ago you invited me to a Christmas party at your house in Kensington. I had no idea what an impact Mount Holyoke would have on me. My curiosity about M&C’s was just the beginning. Not only was I challenged academically, but it provided me the necessary space to understand myself and learn how my gifts are giving back to our world. In small and big ways. I cannot thank you enough for the introduction to Mount Holyoke. The energy I garner from our shared experience encourages me to meet the challenges in my professional and personal life. It is the fun and wild memories of our ability to fully celebrate living while asking bigger questions and demanding more of our sisterhood to tackle the opportunities. Thank you!” —Kara Solem ’06


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