“Be brave. Walk together. Disrupt this place with me.” — Global health leader Joia Mukherjee addresses the class of 2016

Joia Mukherjee

Joia Mukherjee, chief medical officer for Partners in Health, delivered the Commencement Address on May 15 in Gettel Amphitheatre.

More than 600 graduates and certificate recipients celebrated Mount Holyoke’s 179th Commencement this past weekend. Gettel Amphitheatre filled with exuberant cheers as they listened to the inspirational words of Joia Mukherjee, chief medical officer for Partners in Health, who challenged the class to “disrupt this place with me.”

“When this college was founded in 1837, the very idea of women’s education was radical. Think about that for a minute. That revolutionary idea, that Mary Lyon put forward, made it her mission to use education to disrupt hegemonic forces of the day. That’s your mission.

Ours is a world where powerful and indeed hegemonic forces are threatening the welfare of humanity and of our climate. I believe that that leadership, women’s leadership, depends on disrupting hegemony. On truth-telling. On bravery. And on walking together in solidarity. In the last few days I’ve had the chance to talk to some of you, some members of this graduating class. And what I heard most from you is a thirst for activism, a desire to use your education, your talents, your passions, and even your privilege to change the world.”

See more on Commencement, including Joia Mukherjee’s full address and student commencement speaker Areeba Kamal ’16.


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