Alums looking forward and giving back. A FebruMary meet-up at the MA House Chamber.

It started out with a quick email between two classmates who work in the same office building: “Could we take a lunchtime photo together for FebruMary? and invite some other MHC alums who work for the Commonwealth?” A few more emails and a quick LinkedIn search later, and our group had grown to nine. FebruMary meet-up accomplished! We had a terrific time getting together. We found that our work for the Commonwealth couldn’t be more varied—we address issues that range from uniquely local to global; that cover the human lifespan from birth… Read More

Alumna Spotlight: Markeisha Miner ’99. At Mount Holyoke, “I learned to speak with the courage of my convictions without drowning others out.”

As a student at Mount Holyoke, Markeisha Miner ’99 majored in African/African American studies with a concentration on history and politics, but she gained far more than an excellent education here. She knew that the minute she first walked on campus, her life was forever changed. What’s the greatest lesson you learned while at MHC? At Mount Holyoke, I knew I could be whoever I wanted to be and do whatever I wanted and dreamed of doing. Over the years, whenever I need to come back to my center, I think about… Read More

We are grateful for your support. Thank you!

This holiday season, as we gather with family and friends to give thanks, we in Advancement would like to thank all those who have invested in Mount Holyoke to support the incredible work happening on campus and abroad. Your investment enables our students to pursue their passions, explore new cultures and ideas, and gain invaluable experience working alongside faculty or in internship opportunities around the world. You help keep Mount Holyoke a warm and beautiful place to connect and grow as a community, and solidify us as an intellectual and cultural hub…. Read More

Women leaders inspire at MHC

“I really believe women have a special commitment to make the world a better place,” said Congresswoman Nita Lowey (D-NY) ’59. “Being part of this all-woman network, working to improve life for others, is part of the Mount Holyoke tradition.” When prominent alumnae in public service gather on campus November 5-7 for the Women Leading in Public Service Summit, they came offering advice and encouragement. But most of all, they offered an invitation to join them at the table of power. Read more in MHC News. View the Flickr gallery and see… Read More

Careers in Public Service: MHC’s Lynk goes on the road to the Massachusetts State House

Lynk on the Road

A daylong event at the Massachusetts State House brought current students with an interest in public service together with alumnae working in the field to strengthen their connections and help launch them into careers that will make a difference in the world. Distinguished speakers, Judith Kurland ’67 and Senator Kathleen Connor Ives ’99 (pictured above near center, in green) inspired students with their keynote speeches. In her welcome, President Pasquerella noted the “staggering achievements” of Frances Perkins, class of 1902, saying that “Today, we continue the experience that so galvanized Frances Perkins. We are taking Mount… Read More

I Joined the Movement. #mhcten

“Because of the gift of my daughter’s education and to support the mission of educating powerful women around the world.” – Dr. Elissa Emerson P’99, with daughter, Maria ’99 (left), and daughter-in-law, Grace ’01 (right) #mhcten