“Be brave. Walk together. Disrupt this place with me.” — Global health leader Joia Mukherjee addresses the class of 2016

More than 600 graduates and certificate recipients celebrated Mount Holyoke’s 179th Commencement this past weekend. Gettel Amphitheatre filled with exuberant cheers as they listened to the inspirational words of Joia Mukherjee, chief medical officer for Partners in Health, who challenged the class to “disrupt this place with me.” “When this college was founded in 1837, the very idea of women’s education was radical. Think about that for a minute. That revolutionary idea, that Mary Lyon put forward, made it her mission to use education to disrupt hegemonic forces of the day. That’s your… Read More

Meet the graduates of 2016: Katie Ho ’16

In a little over two weeks, over 550 seniors will be celebrating Commencement and awarded their degrees, as they prepare to leave these gates to go make positive change in communities around the world. From artists to writers and athletes to scientists, each student has had their own transformative experience at Mount Holyoke. Katie Ho ’16, a computer science major and Chinese minor, talks about her proudest accomplishment here at MHC: “Cofounding HackHolyoke, the first collegiate hackathon hosted on a women’s college campus. Being part of an all-girls robotics team named Einstein’s Daughters through middle… Read More